A place to share some of my software development projects, get valuable feedback on their usability and hopefully fulfill someones needs.

New Project: Net Scope Pro v1.1.0.2
Released a new project today, its a tool I've been using for a while informally but finally wrapped it up a bit nicer and decided to put it out here. This program lets you scan IP ranges and returns any devices it finds along with the IP, hostname (netbios name,) domain, response time and IP range it was found on. Its great for locating devices you don't know the exact hostname or IP for as well as just seeing what is out their on your network. It can even export the data into a CSV formatted so that you can directly import into BackData Pro and being collecting more specific data. This is an active project and more features are planned for future releases so check back here or run an update check from within the application every so often. As always, let me know what you think, I really like getting feedback on my tools (Both positive and negative) as well as hearing your ideas as to how to make it better.
Project Page |
New Version Release: Back Data Pro v1.4.2.1
Released a major update of the BDP program that has been in the works for quite a while, this version features a complete re-write of the communication protocol and how it queries systems for data which is far more optimized and results in cutting the query time in half. With this update is the ability to search results in the details view so you don't have to scroll though to see if the application or process your looking for is listed. I cleaned up the details view UI moving the management buttons into their own tab and last but far from least I put in 2 new data export templates, these are HTML based and result in a responsive page that can be opened in any browser with the selected data cleanly listed and navigable for easy reference. A lot of time when into this update and I'm excited to finally get it released and hope that the updates are a welcomed addition. Please put in a support request if you find a bug they continue to be a huge help.